IMS Gesellschaft für akademischen Forschungstransfer mbH

IMS Gesellschaft für akademischen Forschungstransfer mbH

Interactive Medical Science

  • Beginn: 14.06.2023 13:00 CEST
  • Ende: 17.06.2023 14:30 CEST



Arrangement by Prof. Julia B. Hennermann
Department of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine
University Medical Center Mainz

Questions regarding the scientific program of the course should be addressed to:

Professor Julia Hennermann
Villa Metabolica,
University Medical Center Mainz
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Questions regarding logistics can be addressed to:

IMS GmbH, Sabine Kröber-Stein & Sabine Wiegert
Tel: +49-6131/17-5839
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  • Biology of the lysosome
  • Pathophysiology of selected LSDs
  • Mechanisms of neurodegeneration
  • Clinical presentation of LSDs
  • MRI changes
  • Eye manifestation and therapies
  • Bone disease and therapies
  • Prenatal manifestation
  • Laboratory diagnosis, newborn screening
  • Applied treatments and outcome
  • New therapeutic options, gene therapy
  • Patients‘ Organizations

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